This conversation with Madeleine Fresko-Brown is empowering. Women can grow a family AND career.
Madeleine shares her courageous leadership journey, offers insight into shared parental leave, and highlights the value of ‘cheerleaders’.
There are many pathways into leadership. As an inspiring leader and mother, Madeleine models the power in self-belief and truly going for what you want.
It is possible to grow a family and grow a career at the same time as a woman, as it is as a man.

Madeleine Fresko-Brown
Vice Principal
Madeleine has just started a new role as Vice Principal in a large academy, responsible for teaching & learning and outcomes. Prior to that, she was Assistant Headteacher (Quality of Education). She trained through Teach First and carries the mission of making the education system work for every child close to her heart. She works full time and has two children aged 3 and 5.
Madeleine is currently growing her family AND career.
- 10:27 Shared parental leave
- 15:46 Mum guilt and work balance
- 17:54 Gender Pay disparity
- 20:37 Network and support
- 30:25 Managing workload
Kinza Barrett –Teacher’s SPL
MTPT Project
- Make it Stick by Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger and Mark A. Mcdaniel
The Motherhood & Leadership series is a collaboration with The MTPT Project.
All nine episodes of The Motherhood & Leadership Series are sponsored by Teach First Networks. Find out details about all the networks on offer at
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